Head Boy and Head Girl 2021-22

Head Boy
"As Head Boy I believe that I can inspire other students in the choices they make by setting a good example and being a role model. I want to make sure all learners enjoy their time at Rayner Stephens and consistently show respect to the school community and the wider local community. As Head Boy I hope to bring a good balance of understanding and respecting of the school rules and people's emotions and opinions, I want teachers and students to work together to create a productive learning environment. I believe that in my time as Head Boy I will show caring, respect and patience and will show drive and commitment so I can be role model to others. When I was in year 7 and 8, I always looked up to the student leaders and I wanted to be them one day and I now have the chance to inspire the learners in the lower years a role I will complete both will great pride."
Head Girl
"As Head Girl I aim to lead a team by first of all being open-minded and listening to others, making sure that everyone's opinion is heard, valued and taken in to consideration. I want all learners to feel like they have a voice and that their ideas are recognised. Heading up the student leadership team I am confident that I will lead them to have a full understanding of school life from learners in all year groups. I want to make sure we have joint goals and that we work hard towards achieving them. Students having a voice is important in schools as it allows students to express their own opinions about the school and its environment. This allows pupils to feel valued and that they’re listened to. I want to make sure that I act as a role model both in school and in the local community and be a role model for younger year groups."
Tags: community students enrichment